
Sunday, January 23, 2011

Finished M#4!!

Four books down and still on track!

After finishing the third book in this series, I can say with certainty that I am completely hooked. The story keeps getting better and better. It's been a long time since I found my self so attached and invested in characters the way that I am in these books.

In book three, one of the villains, Lord Kalare, seeking to over throw the First Lord and claim Alea's crown makes an overt attempt at civil war. Our young hero Tavi is sent to join a newly formed military legion that should not see any battle. Here the story takes an exciting turn and a plot twist is revealed. Kalare has formed an alliance with the race of Canim (sworn enemies of Alera and brutal foes). Unbeknownst to Kalare, the Canim are plotting to betray their alliance and claim Alera for themselves. They show up with 60k warriors and begin their invasion.....where else than......the port that Tavi's legion has been sent to train. Battle ensues and young Tavi finds himself as Captain of the legion. Still struggling with his lack of furycrafting, Tavi uses wit and courage and manages the impossible....he thrawts the invasion attempt and once again delays the collapse of the kingdom.

In the closing pages of the book the author finally confirms what the reader has been suspecting...Tavi's true identity. He is none other than Gaius Octavian, son of the First Lord's murdered child Septimus, grandson to the First Lord himself, and rightful heir to the crown!

I cannot wait to begin the next entry in the series.....

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